Recent transplant to Seattle from Pittsburgh. I strive to live authentically and free from societal constructs. Unconditional love for myself, and my community are the goal. With a deep appreciation for the world around us, and this beautifully complex life we share. A note from a friend: "You know it, right...you know it is too late. You cannot turn back. You are engaged in a personal journey of meaning and truth...I've watched you doing your best. To become a better man. To conquer your fears and doubts. Overthinking a lot, of course. Through it all, you think you were trying to find yourself, while in reality, you were creating yourself; in doing so you were attracting people to you. To yourself in becoming. That was beautiful. You understand there is no coming back from this path. Many challenges and suffering will come, there is no doubt about that, but as you said yourself once: "I will be with you every step of the way, not once, do you dare think you are alone" This is my journey. My brain dump. Say Hi.